Dear godfather

What you showed me will stay with me for a lifetime.

Do you have any questions?

Are you asking a personal question?

The portal answers all your questions about funerals and funeral provisions.

Ombudsman’s Office

Ombudsman’s Office for German-speaking Switzerland and Ticino:

Berto Biaggi
Unterdorf 21
5073 Gipf-Oberfrick

Tel. 062 865 70 70

For French-speaking Switzerland:

ASSF Romandie
Jérôme Voisard
Rue du 23-juin 24
2800 Delémont

Tél. 079 542 15 63

The ombudsman’s office is headed by two persons from the Swiss. Association of Funeral Directors voluntarily provided. So it is a kind of volunteer work. However, the individuals are proven professionals with appropriate training and experience. Discretion is assured and also a neutral handling of the request.

Schweiz. Verband der Bestattungsdienste Two people sitting under a tree at sunset.