Dear godfather
What you showed me will stay with me for a lifetime.
Do you have any questions?
Are you asking a personal question?
The portal answers all your questions about funerals and funeral provisions.
Ombudsman’s Office
Ombudsman’s Office for German-speaking Switzerland and Ticino:
Berto Biaggi
Unterdorf 21
5073 Gipf-Oberfrick
Tel. 062 865 70 70
For French-speaking Switzerland:
ASSF Romandie
Jérôme Voisard
Rue du 23-juin 24
2800 Delémont
Tél. 079 542 15 63
The ombudsman’s office is headed by two persons from the Swiss. Association of Funeral Directors voluntarily provided. So it is a kind of volunteer work. However, the individuals are proven professionals with appropriate training and experience. Discretion is assured and also a neutral handling of the request.

How do I contact the ombudsman’s office?
Ombudsman’s Office for German-speaking Switzerland and Ticino:
Berto Biaggi
Unterdorf 21
5073 Gipf-Oberfrick
Tel. 062 865 70 70
For French-speaking Switzerland:
ASSF Romandie
Jérôme Voisard
Rue du 23-juin 24
2800 Delémont
Tél. 079 542 15 63
A simple question about a funeral can usually be answered in a phone call or email.
In case of disagreement, committed errors or price complaints, a written submission with all supporting documents must be made. If there is any ambiguity, the ombudsman’s office may request the other party to make a statement.
The ombudsman’s office compares what actually happened with what should have happened correctly. The discrepancy between what really happened and the possible correct course forms the verdict, which is made known to the parties involved in the form of an expert opinion.
In the event of price complaints, the price charged shall be compared with the service provided. If the requested price, taking into account the local conditions, differs from the service provided, the Ombudsman’s Office shall set a correct price.
If a complaint is made about the price of an item, the Ombudsman’s Office will check the price and correct or confirm it.
Problem – what next?
Mediation by the ombudsman’s office is largely free of charge. It provides the substantiated expertise to the parties. After that, their work is completed. If no agreement is reached, legal action may be taken.
Media representatives and private individuals can contact the ombudsman’s office with questions about the funeral service. She is happy to provide information to the best of her knowledge, based on her experience and expertise.