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The days at the lake will remain forever in my memory.
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How long does it take to cremate an overweight person?
The cremation process for overweight people takes longer than for people of average weight. For those who are overweight, the cremation process can take up to 2 hours, while for those of normal weight, it is calculated to take about 70-90 minutes.
What are the ashes made of after cremation?
After cremation, all that remains is the ashes of the bones (bone chalk). The ashes of the cremation coffin are completely decomposed by the great heat of up to 1300 degrees Celsius or these ashes are lighter than those of the bones. During cremation, the wood ash rises and is filtered out by the waste gas purification system.
What remains after a cremation?
After cremation, only the bone ash remains. Metal parts that were in the body are removed with a magnet, so that only the ashes of the bones remain. Prostheses or pacemakers also do not burn completely. Larger bone fragments are still crumbled or coarsely ground so that the ash is not too fine.
Do very large coffins go into a cremation oven?
Yes, even coffins that are oversized go into the cremation oven. In recent years, there is an increase in cremations with oversize. Special coffins are necessary for this purpose. Some crematoria have also had larger cremation ovens built for this purpose in recent years.
How many coffins go into a cremation oven?
Only one person is fed in a coffin at a time per cremation furnace. Otherwise, in the end, you would not be able to separate the ashes of the deceased.
Is cremation, cremation or burial more common in Switzerland?
In 2020, about 90% of all deceased persons in Switzerland were cremated. In 2000, the figure was only about 70%, and in 1950 it was still just under 20%. In the canton of Ticino, burial is even more common than in the German-speaking part of Switzerland.
How much ash remains after cremation?
From an adult human usually remains (depending on weight and size) between 2.5 to 3.5 kg of bone ash. For the amount of ash, it is crucial how much lime was stored in the bones.
How long does a cremation take?
The cremation process itself takes between 70 to 90 minutes. The size of the corpse and the oxygen content in the body determine how long the cremation takes. Since a heavier corpse contains more water, the cremation process takes longer. Similarly, strong medications can prolong the cremation process.
What temperature is used for cremation?
The incinerator is first preheated to 900 degrees Celsius and later the temperature is increased to 1200-1300 degrees Celsius. After preheating, the coffin with the body is placed (usually automatically to avoid temperature loss) in the cremation oven.