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The portal answers all your questions about funerals and funeral provisions.
Because the costs vary throughout Switzerland, with some municipalities covering all or part of the costs and others where the public sector does not contribute to the costs, it is not possible to make any general statements. It is therefore advisable to contact a funeral service in your area. Regional funeral service providers can help you and/or give you information directly.
What is the cost of a tombstone, gravestone?
The local cemetery regulations provide information on the size, shape, inscription and material of gravestones and grave slabs. There is a big difference in price between a standard gravestone and an artistic one. The stone sculpture workshop will submit individual proposals with drawings and a quotation.
What is the cost of a death notice, thank you notice in the newspaper?
The tariff calculates the newspaper according to the size of the ad in millimeters. The millimeter price varies greatly, and depending on the circulation of the daily or weekly newspaper and whether a photo/background is desired black and white or color. An obituary can cost from about CHF 400 to several thousand francs.
What is the cost of an urn?
Urns differ in shape, color and material. Various grave types and regulations require urns to be suitable for burial in municipal cemeteries. In the ground, the urn should be biodegradable, remain durable in a wall niche or dissolve quickly in water. A simple urn costs about CHF 100, a handmade or artistic urn can cost up to several thousand francs.
What is the cost of a coffin?
The funeral culture is cultivated very differently in Switzerland. The burial articles, in particular the coffin models, are adapted to the customs and practices in the cantons, municipalities and cities. The price of the coffin depends on the quality, different shape, decorative ornamentation and different materials.
Between a few hundred francs to 3000 thousand or more francs, there is a diverse choice.
What does the health insurance pay in the event of death?
Generally, funeral expenses are not covered by health insurance. However, it is worth clarifying the lump-sum death benefit. This may be as an add-on to a pension, travel or life insurance policy or may be included in the health insurance policy.
How much does a cremation cost?
Cremation costs between 0 and 900 Swiss francs for an adult person. In some places, the cost of cremation is covered by the municipality. Depending on the situation, there are additional costs for the laying out, a decoration, an organ playing, the use of the chapel or an urn.
What is the cost of an urn burial?
What is the cost of a funeral?
The price range for a funeral is from 0.- to 15 000.-Fr or more, depending on the location and wishes. Depending on the canton, a funeral home provides all services in full, or the municipality must be contacted and it provides some or all of the services.
If the cost of the funeral services is deliberately kept to a minimum by the funeral director, it can amount to around 2000 francs. For a farewell in the normal framework should be expected with 3500.- francs and more.
Depending on this, the following third-party costs will be incurred: cemetery, crematorium, use of cemetery premises and other premises, grave, grave planting, flowers, sculptor, funeral orator, musician, restaurant, printer, newspaper, apartment clearance, cleaning, notary’s office, government registrar’s office, civil registry office, burial office, municipality, funeral service, etc.
A funeral service in your area will be happy to provide you with information and is familiar with the regional peculiarities. To find out what a funeral costs, a local funeral director will be happy to provide you with a specific cost summary, without obligation, which is adapted to your situation and your wishes.Ask a funeral service in the region where the person died and request a cost summary.
What is the cost of a funeral printing, grief circulars, funeral cards, thank you note, thank you cards?
Sorrow circulars personally convey the information of a death.
The thank you cards address your personal thanks to the mourners for their sympathy. The funeral director provides the printed materials, labels the envelopes according to your address list and handles the mailing. The cost is a few hundred francs, depending on the amount.
What is the cost of a funeral director, a funeral service, a funeral home?
Professional funeral homes operate in Switzerland, also known as funeral homes.
In addition, there are carpentry shops that additionally operate a funeral service.
For funeral items, transfers, services and organization, please refer to the section above: What is the cost of a funeral?
How much is a funeral bill?
The funeral homes of the Swiss Association of Funeral Services SVB provide you with detailed and transparent information about the costs incurred for a funeral. The great regional differences in funeral culture and the wide variety of regulations do not allow for general guideline prices. The section above will give you an approximate idea: What does a funeral cost?
What is the cost of a grave, niche, urn grave, burial plot, communal grave?
Right of burial in municipality of residence, otherwise request with justification
There are no uniform prices, these are defined in the respective cemetery regulations and vary from municipality to municipality. It may make a difference in terms of cost whether or not someone was a resident of the cemetery community. Tariffs for locals or non-locals are then applied. Depending on the canton, cemeteries are usually administered by the municipalities or the churches.
The grave costs are made up of the following components: Grave site fees, burial, grave field maintenance, grave bordering and inscription. In addition, there is the planting, which you can do yourself or commission the cemetery.
Burial in a communal grave is often the most cost effective burial option as there are no maintenance or third party costs such as grave care and headstone. The duration of the grave is also decisive for the costs. For example, the family grave is the most expensive type of grave, as the term is often 40 years or longer. In addition, several people can find their final resting place here. You can find more information on Grave
Contribution to costs in the event of an accident or suicide?
In case of an occupational or non-occupational accident, we recommend to inform the accident insurance, especially SUVA, or health insurance for a cost sharing request. If someone has died abroad, SUVA will additionally contribute to the transfer costs, with other insurances it has to be clarified.
What is the cost of a funeral?
How much does a burial in the ground cost?
Costs at the cemetery vary widely. The rates for burial, grave plot maintenance and the grave plot fee can be found in the respective cemetery regulations, inquired at the municipality or the cemetery association. In addition to cemetery costs, there are the listed costs for a burial.