Dear grandpa
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Deceased person, corpse, body
Some words seem a bit strange. Nowadays we speak of a deceased person rather than a corpse or body.
Find the right funeral director
The Swiss funeral portal.
When may deceased person, a corpse, a body be cremated?
As a rule, cremation may not be performed before 48 hours from the determined time of death. There are cantons where cremation is allowed after 24 hours. In some cantons there is also an upper limit of 96 hours.
Who decides what to do with a deceased person, the body, the corpse?
The basic principle is to fulfill the wishes of the deceased. The person concerned has deposited this either verbally or in writing, or it is implemented to the best of his or her knowledge and belief by the persons close to him or her. If no relatives can be contacted, the municipality will decide on the method of burial. This is regulated in the burial regulations of the respective municipality.
Who owns the deceased person, the body, the corpse?
Man does not belong to anyone. The deceased person is subject to the responsibility of the relatives or persons close to him. A neighbor can also be a contact person for a funeral director. In this case, the costs are borne by the municipality, see also UNEMPLOYMENT. In the case of an unnatural death, the prosecutor has the power to decide in the first instance and only after the body is released does the family have the power to decide.
Who may decide whether a deceased person, a corpse, a body may be cremated?
First and foremost is the burial wish of the deceased person. If someone has not spoken up about it, it is up to those close to her to decide. One way to record one’s funeral wishes is to have a prearrangement discussion with a funeral director in your area. This can be useful if you have no relatives or do not want to burden them with it. Here you can get more details about funeral arrangements.
Who is the owner of the deceased person, the body, the corpse?
It is the right of every human being to determine, within the limits of the law, what happens to his or her body during burial. In the absence of other information, this right of determination is transferred to the relatives, based on their psycho-spiritual relationship. The decisive factor is the strength of the bond. This does not necessarily correspond to the legal succession.