Dear Dad

We have always shared the love of cycling.

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The portal answers all your questions about funerals and funeral provisions.

Civil Registry Office

Every death must be reported within 48 hours to the civil registry office of the place of the event, i.e. the municipality in which the death occurred and was medically certified. The following are required to register: Hospitals, old people’s and nursing homes, residential homes, the police or, in the case of a natural death at home, the relatives or the appointed funeral home, by means of a power of attorney signed by the relatives or their legal representative. After the death is registered, the civil registry office does the following:

Duties of the Civil Registry Office:
– Entry in the Swiss central database Infostar “Informatisiertes Standesregister”.
– Addendum in the Swiss family register (if available)
– Replacing the family ID card (if available)
– Death notification to the municipality of residence
– Issuance of a national or international death certificate (by order)

Schweiz. Verband der Bestattungsdienste Two elderly people sitting on a bench looking at the ocean.

Find the right funeral director

The Swiss funeral portal.