Röthlin Bestattungen
Brünigstrasse 92
6072 Sachseln CH
Languages: Deutsch
Funeral director with federal certificate
Brünigstrasse 92
6072 Sachseln CH
Languages: Deutsch
"Your funeral service in OBWALDEN Our family business is available 24 hours a day to help and advise you in this situation. Many things need to be considered and decided. As a funeral service we offer you our help in Obwalden, Nidwalden or wherever you wish. OUR OFFER Overview of our services Coffin models / urns Sorrow circulars and thank you notes Provision for your own funeral".
Bestatter mit eidg. Fachausweis
Pflegefachfrau HF
Pflegefachfrau HF
Bestatterin mit eid. Fachausweis
Bestatter Mitarbeiter
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