Bestattungen Hauser AG
Vorstadt 19
6130 Willisau CH
Languages: Deutsch, English
Funeral director with federal certificate
Vorstadt 19
6130 Willisau CH
Languages: Deutsch, English
"As Funerals Hauser, we are aware of the special task and responsibility we take on for the bereaved. Professional competence alone is not enough for you. We guarantee human sympathy and sensitivity for the feelings and wishes of the bereaved. Our team is qualified to advise you correctly, comprehensively and seriously in all matters. We are happy to support you in making important decisions and in fulfilling your wishes. Whenever you need us - we are there for you personally."
Bestatter mit eidgenössischem Fachausweis
Bestatterin mit eidgenössischem Fachausweis
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